4/25 Homework Blog

Image result for chris evans shirtless captain america
Chris evans (left) and Chris Pratt (right) as how displayed in the Disney Marvel movies
(are those abs even real?)

So, chapter 8 can be summarized simply as how stereotyping femininity and masculinity can misrepresent and damage the social construct of gender. But I love how this chapter mainly focuses on women stereotyping like they are the only victims. Sure, the chapter has some examples of men stereotypes but they are laughable. Mainly the examples brought about the book are how men are also emotional and fragile and the big bad masculine men stereotyping can be damaging to a man’s image. Don’t make me laugh. Whoever wrote this book is another liberal trash and I can’t wait to be done with this class. Men are much more stereotyped in today’s time as the same amount as women. I don’t watch much television, so I can’t immediately think of examples to prove my point, so I will use the popular Marvel Cinematic Universe films as examples.

Image result for thor ragnarok shirtless
Thor being "healed" 
Image result for marvel shirtless
In the lastest Marvel film, most of the women were fully clothed in
heavy armor and the men were mostly shirtless
I bet all of you reading this have watched most of the Marvel movies and most of you are going to watch the newest installment Avengers Infinity Wars. When you go to see it, I want you to count the number of times you see a shirtless Chris Evans or any of the other overly toned in muscles male character. Then I want you to compare it to the number times that happens in this single movie compared to the whole series of the marvel film with a single female character being showed in the same matter. I’ll give you a hint. There is none. There is not one single time a female character is displayed the same matter as Thor waking up shirtless and oiled up as other women are groping him because “they are healing his wounds.” Imagine if Scarlett Johansson was groped by men in the same matter “to heal” her. You Would go mental correct? Well but if the gender roles were switched it would be alright, right? Well that’s what you been taught because of all this liberal trash.

Image result for black widow scarlett johansson
Scarlet Johanson as Black Widow
I love the marvel films but every time I see Chris Evans bulging muscles through a paper thin shirt I will slowly bite my tongue as I enjoy watching Black Widows kick-ass scene and her leather suit.


  1. You're right about the outrage at female stereotypes about body image being way more severe than comparable male stereotypes. I remember reading an article about how 'You would never find male superheroes in THESE poses' (with a bunch of links to scantily clad women superheroes making some suggestive poses). Except then I saw a follow up post where someone put together panels from comics with male superheroes doing literally all the same poses. I also think the crux of that whole issue is that comics used to be heavily marketed to young men, because they were overwhelmingly read by young men.


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