3/7/2018 - Movies have been ruined by me, thanks Obama

 Television and films have already been ruined for me by taking BECA-340 Media Aesthetics. Since taking that class I would look at different aspects that I learned in media aesthetics and apply it how it would be used in that scene that I would be watching.

For instance, in the latest Pixar film Coco, a revered character has revealed himself to be the villain. When the character revealed that he was the villain, the lighting has changed from a colorful scene to a gloomy dark scene with lighting. The lighting on the character was changed from a high key lighting to a low-key lighting. And the camera angle on the character started at eye level but when he started revealing his past actions, the camera slow changed to a tilted up on the characters face. This applies distortion and a chaotic feeling to the scene resembling evil or discomfort. Throughout the scene I was looking at other clues that would make me analyze more about the way the director had presented the scene and it totally ruined the immersion factor for me.

Though the media aesthetics class has ruined the visual aspects of films and television, critical study of popular culture ruined the story aspects.
Image result for coco

Because Coco was a cultural inspired film of the Mexican holiday Día de Muertos, I had to use cultural analysis and see how accurate of a representation of the holiday made an impact to the film.

And had to use sociological analysis was also something I had to think about in this film since the film was about family.

Though I haven’t finished this class yet, I still haven’t grasped the key ideas and theories represented in the book and applied to film analysis.


  1. Hey,
    I love the film Coco so I had to comment on your post. I really like your aesthetic analysis on the film and began thinking about how the film portrays certain ideologies in a general manner. I suppose taking a feminist analysis we can see that the women in the film are seen as sort of villains. The grandmothers are stubborn, not letting Miguel chase his dreams and basically hunt him down. When the real villain is revealed the roles are then reversed with the a happy ending coming into place. It can almost be assumed that the film had conflict because the gender roles were reversed.


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