Blog Post #8 - Option 1
I haven’t watched the Simpsons since middle school so about 10 years. I don’t remember an episode to its fullest, but I do remember the Simpsons Movie and can recall everything that happened in that film since I watch it time to time. While not an episode, the movie is portrayed as a looooong Simpsons episode and captures the same characteristics and theme as the show. From a Feminist analysis standpoint, there is A LOT to pick from. One of the biggest plot moments in the movie was when Marge takes the children and leaves Homer because of the jeopardy he put them through. This kind of goes against the whole patriarchy thing. Marge abandons her husband and takes control as the new head of the family. But this transfer of power as head of the family is soon under jeopardy when marge is trying to return back to Springfield with the kids and get captured by the villain. Making marge powerles...