
Showing posts from February, 2018

2/20/2017 - What is satire cartoon?

                To me what makes a satirical television show successful is attacking the issue with a smart approach and mocking it in the right angles. A show that does this brilliantly is South Park.  What makes South Park a successful satire cartoon show is the shock value and its ability to get the message across no matter how controversial, vulgar, or disgusting the content is. South Park does this well through its simplistic animation and an array of characters.  In one South Park’s most memorable episodes, South Park Elementary gets a new principal named “PC Principal.” PC Principal is the satirical manifestation of political correctness war in todays media. PC Principal is an aggressive individual that is passionate about the equal rights for all and attacks any that shows the slightest hint of intolerance of any kind. PC Principal is a satirical approach of the “social justice warrior”...
Roseanne’s “Lets Call it Quits” – A critique of Marxist Critiques             One of America’s most beloved and important sitcoms, Roseanna, follows a middle class working family. Roseanne, a working wife and mother, works at a factory that produces variety of plastic products. Her supervisor abuses his power to increase the quota of production to an unreasonable amount which I think is a dick move. The supervisor later states that those that cannot meet the quota will be fired. It is later revealed that the supervisor doesn’t have the power to enforce such a quota or relief people of their job, he is just doing it to stress out the other workers and make himself look better to the other higher ups that run the factory. This abuse of power can be seen as how the upper class takes advantage of the lower class in a capitalist society. As the workers are pushed to their limit and can’t meet the new quota, they worry about losing t...