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Ms. Yeah is a Chinese youtuber that uses became a sensation very recently. Her videos involve her using everyday objects you can find in an office and she uses those objects to cook her, and sometimes her coworkers, food. As a media scholar, I should use a Humanistic Approach is the most appropriate way to understand this video. We have to look at this as an outsider. Ms. Yeah is a Chinese citizen living at an undisclosed heavily populated city. The meals she prepares are traditional Chinese cuisine and prepared using traditional Chinese techniques to prepare the food. The materials used may not be what is traditional used, but the techniques are. If we critique as someone not from China, we may say “it is unsanitary to prepare Jello in used folders” or “why didn’t her boss fire her for doing all this at work.” We can’t be so quick to judge another cultures video without understanding the origin. If we take the time to understand the video like I h...